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Transfer from TBR or HCC   VA    PLA  

Transfer Course Evaluations

转帐学分的评估由书记官长办公室联合处理 with the appropriate academic department. 365bet awards credit for course work completed 在地区认可的机构,选择非传统信贷,如军事 credit, and upon appropriate approvals, credit earned at a non-regionally accredited institution.

在书记官长办公室收到正式成绩单后,对成绩单进行评价 are completed within 7 – 10 business days. Please note that transcripts must be sent 给招生办,他们会转交给教务处 once they have marked them received for your admissions file. 

Second-Degree Seeking Students

申请第二学位的学生如果已经选择了专业,可能会有一些核心课程 评估,以及任何可能与第二学位专业相关的课程.

寻求第二学位的学生建议与他们的学术顾问交谈 在入学之前,检查所有的转学工作,以确保课程顺利完成 not repeated.

Evaluations Not Performed

Viewing Your Transfer Course Evaluation



Reading Your Transfer Course Evaluation


Subject Crs Number Crs Title CR Hours Grade Institution Term
Subject Code Course Catalog Number Course Title Credit Hours Grade Earned Name of Transfer Institution Term Credit was earned

365bet Equivalency (Located on the Right Side in OneStop)

365bet Subject 365bet Crs Number 365bet Crs Title 365bet CR Hours 365bet Grade 365bet Repeat Ind 365bet Attr
Subject Code Course Catalog Number Course Title Credit Hours Grade Earned

Repeat Indicator (E=Excluded from GPA, I=Included in GPA)

365bet Student Attributes
Elective Course Work


  • EL- Elective Lower Division
  • EU - Elective Upper Division
  • ER - Elective Remedial/Developmental
  • EG - Elective Graduate
Course Title

If a course number has been assigned, the 365bet title is listed. If elective credit 已经分配,你以前学校的原始标题是列出的吗.

Grade Assignment for Transfer Courses

Military Credit and Credit by Exam are entered in the same manner; however, 'P'(pass) grades will be assigned to the course equivalencies.

只使用A、B、C、D、F或P的字母等级(不考虑+/-) 计算你的累积平均绩点(GPA). The inclusive GPA是在毕业时用来决定学术荣誉的GPA. 'I' grades and unofficial withdrawals are recalculated as ‘F'. P carries no quality points and is not used in calculating GPA.

*The Repeat Indicator for courses are E and I. E means it is excluded from GPA and I is included in GPA

All Other Institutional Equivalencies

要查看已获得学分的所有机构的等价物, please visit our Transfer Equivalencies site.


完成大学文科或理科副学士学位 /田纳西州转学途径(TTPs)计划,由田纳西州校董会提供为期两年的课程 如1988年或以后的公告所述,社区学院将使大学满意 学习BBA和BS的核心要求以及BA的所有核心要求 except for Humanities foreign languages (6 hours). This policy also applies to Hopkinsville 如果六个学期的美国历史已经包括在社区大学 if their core has been met without exception. An official transcript with the degree conferred must be submitted to the Office of Admissions.

如果你有兴趣了解更多关于奥斯汀·皮伊的发音协议 与13个田纳西州评议委员会(TBR)社区学院,霍普金斯维尔社区 学院(HCC)和默瑟县社区学院(MCCC),请访问 articulation website

Military Credit

正在服役或曾经在军队服役的学生将获得学分 反映在军事记录上的军事经历,比如联合服役 成绩单(JST)或解除现役证书(DD-214). 军事经验评估使用适当的ACE指南建议. Students 完成基本训练的学员可获两小时体能活动及三小时 hours of HHP 1250 - Wellness Concepts and Practice . 军事服务经验所需的文件必须是DD214(会员) copy 4), DD295, or a JST.


Credit Earned at Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions

一般来说,来自非地区认可的高等教育机构的学分 is not accepted. You may apply for an exception by completing an 从非地区认可院校转学分申请书 Higher Learning. This form must be completed for each course. Credit may be awarded only after review 并由相应的系主任和院长批准. 


与直接等同或选修等同的课程可以代替 an 365bet course.

Core Substitutions: 必须由你的学术顾问提交,并且必须获得学校的批准 核心课程所在学院的系主任和院长.

Major/Minor Substitution: 必须由你的导师提交,并由部门批准吗 in which the student is majoring/minoring.

用低年级课程代替高年级课程也算 达到大学学位中规定的高年级学时要求 Requirements.

Utilizing VA Benefits

如果你是退伍军人福利,请联系退伍军人教育福利 请致电(931)221-7760查询有关转让信用证的进一步转让信息 relates to VA Benefits.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

奥斯汀·皮伊(Austin Peay)知道,许多非传统的学生来到这所大学时,都有着重要的 prior experiences. 学生可以通过之前在几个国家的工作经验获得大学学分 ways. 先前的学习可能来自于一些经验,比如从 之前的工作或兵役,之前获得的执照,获得的证书, or other similar examples. Credit is not guaranteed; however, we encourage nontraditional 学生们应该复习之前的学习学分,以确定这是否是某种东西 interest. For more information, please visit http://etgl.ahwrwy.com/prior-learning/

Questions Regarding Transfer Coursework

请致电931-221-7150或通过电子邮件联系注册办公室 transfer@ahwrwy.com.

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