

现在你已经准备好来美国了.S., please read the information below carefully. Below, you will find useful information to consider before leaving your country, as well as information on what to do as soon as you arrive in Clarksville. 如果你仍然 have some questions, do not hesitate to contact our office.

  • Be sure you know your flight itinerary (flight numbers, departure and arrival times).

  • Verify that you have transportation arranged from the airport. 如果你需要帮助 with transportation from Nashville to Clarksville, contact the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换 浏览有关穿梭巴士的资料.

  • Students will arrive at the BNA-Nashville International Airport. 平均旅行 time from BNA to 365bet is 45 minutes to one hour. 使用 11号出口领取表格 and our office will try to arrange transportation for you from Exit 11 Park and Ride 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学.

If you have pre-arranged transportation and your flight information changes, be sure to notify the shuttle company and/or our office of any changes whenever possible.

  • Hand carry 所有 of your important documents, including your passport, DS-2019, visa, acceptance letter, financial documents and 所有 other supporting documents. 这些必须 be readily available for immigration officials at your port of entry.

  • Hand carry 所有 contact information for:

*  Shuttle service pick-up at BNA or contact number for the volunteer scheduled for pick-up

*  365bet Office of Study Abroad and International 交换: (931) 221-6851

*  365bet住房办公室:(931)221-7444

*  365bet Office of Public Safety (365bet 24-hour emergency contact number): (931) 221-7786 (Use to reach emergency contact of PDSO or other campus contact after business hours.)

  • When you arrive at your Point of Entry and pass through Customs and Border Protection (CBP), you will receive a stamp in your passport with the date of admission, class of admission (F1 or J1) and admitted-until-date (D/S). 检查你的信息 是正确的. If it is not correct, notify the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换 as soon as you arrive on campus. Your electronic arrival/departure record (I-94)可以找到 在线.

  • If for some reason, the CBP inspector cannot verify your information or you do not have 所有 your 要求 documents, you will go through 二次检查. This 所有ows inspectors more time to research and verify your information without 延误其他乘客. It is very important that you have name and contact information for the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换 director (after business hours, contact 365bet Office of Public Safety.)

Please come by the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换 (International White House, 德雷恩街325号reet, 2nd Floor) when you arrive in Clarksville – we want 知道你已平安抵达! Our office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

When you come to our office, please bring 所有 of the following items to the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换:

  • 你的护照
  • 签证
  • DS-2019
  • 的 most updated official transcript from your home institution, if necessary

Our office needs to make copies of these documents for our records.

All exchange students are 要求 to attend a mandatory 交换 Student Orientation. 的 purpose of the orientation is to provide important information to help you adjust to life at 365bet and how to maintain your J1 visa status. 这个方向通常 takes place at 10 AM on the Thursday prior to when classes are scheduled to start. 的 exact date and time is on the welcome letter you received.

As part of this orientation, the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换 also organizes fun events and activities to welcome exchange students to our campus 和美国.S. 

If you have not submitted this already, exchange students must bring 所有 of the following items to the 健康服务部:

  • 的证明 两个 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)  immunizations,
  • 水痘免疫证明
  • 的证明 a negative tuberculosis test from within 30 days of your arrival to the United States (BCG not acceptable), or a letter from your doctor stating that you are TB 免费的,
  • Students who are 21 and under must also have received a meningitis shot from within 过去5年. This shot can me administrated at 365bet健康服务 once you 可以到校,但费用为125美元.
  • 看到 阿卜苏保险 for insurance recommendations; note that J-1 students are 要求 提供保险以保持地位


Most of the services offered by 365bet健康服务 are free to students. 然而, there are some services that require payments. 的 健康服务部 does not file claims with any  insurance company. 的refore, students utilizing paid-services will be responsible for filing their own claim. 


交换 students are responsible for carrying their Health Insurance ID 在任何时候. If you need to visit a doctor or a hospital, you are responsible for showing them your insurance ID, which will start the insurance claim process. 未能这样做 could result in unexpected bills that you will be responsible for, which can be very 昂贵的. 

交换学生 at the Holiday Party host by the Office of Study Abroad and International 交换.